Friday Jams – Brightest Dawn Photography

I’m not a huge radio listener. I’m really not. I prefer to listen to albums in their entirety, I love listening to music that reminds me of a special time in my past or a special person, and I usually prefer to jam out to tunes that the average joe isn’t interested in (i.e. Heavy Metal or Vivaldi, depending on my mood).

That being said, sometimes I’ll hear a bit of a song on the radio that intrigues me, and often against my best interests, I become addicted to it. It’s kind of terrible. That’s okay, I will gladly take a stand about what I like so I have no shame and, so help me, I will sing that catchy pop song everywhere. I don’t mind, but then there’s Craig.

Poor Craig.

This whole cycle happened a little while ago when a song called Thrift Shop hit the airwaves. I fell in love and just had to show Craig. He, of course being the Heavy Metal drummer that he is, hated it. So I played it randomly just to annoy him. Imagine then, my surprise at hearing him humming Thrift Shop with gusto while doing the dishes in the other room one day.


Have a good friday, folks!